How To Create And Sell Out Amazing Yoga Retreat Experiences
– a guide to ultimate success
The Exclusive Online Yoga Retreat Creation Program
This unique, tailor-made program is designed specifically for yoga teachers looking to grow and evolve their business offerings by complimenting them with transformational yoga retreat experiences.
If you feel ready to deeply impact and serve your community, shine in your genius, teach material that genuinely aligns with who you are and create financial abundance, then this is an invitation to learn more about the creative and logistical processes involved in facilitating transformational and memorable yoga retreat experiences.
In this course, you’ll go from feeling unsure of how to pull off a spectacular retreat experience for your customers, to knowing the exact formula that will guarantee a healthy profit and leave you with a community of raving fans.

If you’ve found your way into the world of my business, then your curiosity might be piqued about what it takes to create a memorable and transformational retreat experience. One that will have people coming back again and again, and wanting to share their adventure with family, loved ones and friends.
After having created and led over 30 of my own successful retreats both nationally within Australia and internationally, I’ve gained valuable insight and knowledge around what’s required to run every aspect of implementing intimate retreat experiences.
My goal for you during this deep exploration, is to provide you with deep insights that will support you while you create a unique and magical retreat of your own. By participating in this breakthrough experience, you’ll not only add a rich layer to your yoga offerings, but you’ll also be held within this container while you explore your personal retreat ideas and concepts.
We’ll deep dive into the intricacies of running a yoga retreat including:
- pricing appropriately by honouring your time, knowledge and expertise
- designing a retreat program from your heart
- feeling prepared to handle anything that may arise while on retreat
- creating a thriving community of loyal followers
- selling and marketing your retreat creation
- monetising your retreat
- taking care of legalities
- filling your retreat
This course is ideal if you want to:
- hold space and witness transformations over the course of the retreat
- inspire genuine change in your students, helping to improve their health and wellbeing
- create a heartfelt community filled with people who are ready to journey inward with you
- generate more financial freedom and abundance
- grow into the next level of your expansion
- travel to amazing destinations
- lead and facilitate retreats
I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to connect with Ondine and through her Yoga Retreat Creation course, gain the benefit of her experience in running successful retreats. There are so many things to consider, and pieces to fit together, when planning and hosting a retreat and Ondine covered these in a step-by-step program that is very comprehensive, yet simple to follow. I would recommend this program to anyone who is considering running a yoga retreat, not only for the content and to build your confidence, but because Ondine is a wonderful motivator and supporter – she challenged some limiting beliefs of mine, but in a kind and supportive way, which was exactly what I needed. Thank you, Ondine. x
The 8 Containers
Each module will be an in-depth exploration into the most important steps to creating your transformational retreat experience. We’ll deep dive into all the different areas of planning, creating, pricing, marketing, selling, launching and so much more…
1. Retreat Basics
- Getting clear about what kind of retreat you want to run and important considerations before commencing your planning stage
- Where should I retreat to and for how long?
- Professionalism on retreat – Mindset and attitude, managing expectations, plus how to show up and nurture your group
2. Planning Your Retreat
- What to consider when finding a retreat centre and questions to ask before committing to booking a space
- Unpacking each question in detail in order to reveal your ideal retreat centre
3. Pricing Your Retreat
- Unpacking your expenses, plus a formula for pricing your event and calculating your net profit
- Knowing your worth – Confidence in pricing correctly
- What is and isn’t included in your retreat
4. Advertising, Marketing & Selling Your Retreat
- The old verses the new ways of selling
- How to create copy that inspires and sells
- The importance of building context
- The power of storytelling
- Romancing v’s marketing
5. Building Structures for Your Retreat
- Where to advertise your retreat
- Ways to grow your community
- Are you website ready? Tips and tools for success before launching your retreat into the world
- Landing & sales pages
- Launching your retreat
6. Legalities & Post Retreat Ideas
- Terms & Conditions
- Cancellation policy
- Insurance
- Post retreat offerings
- Survey forms & testimonials
7. Creating Your Dream Retreat – A Blueprint Part 1
- A Blueprint for how to structure your retreat: Steps 1-4
A complete and organized framework for creating your ideal retreat that you can apply to any duration of retreat.
8. Creating Your Dream Retreat – A Blueprint Part 2
- A Blueprint for how to structure a retreat continued: Steps 5-8
A complete and organized framework for creating your ideal retreat that you can apply to any duration of retreat.
“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential
Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and lean into courage. The world is desperate for braver leaders. It’s time for all of us to step up”
-Brené Brown
As you feel into this offering, allow yourself to wonder at all the incredible benefits opening yourself up to this unique opportunity will provide you:
- Developing further skills around leadership, self worth, teaching with authenticity, heart and purpose
- Investing in your future success by growing and expanding your business and financial security
- Tapping into my years of experience organizing every detail of my own successful yoga retreats
- Understanding that your investment in this program will enhance your future earning potential – Guaranteed!
- Looking at shifting your story around needing to teach 20+ classes a week to thrive
- Creating more freedom as a teacher, not just financial but time freedom too
- Learning from my mistakes (there were many!)
You will receive:
- Eight pre-recorded video presentations. This is where we share the creative and logistical steps to creating your dream retreat (Tier 1 & 2)
- Private email contact with me during the entirety of the course (Tier 2 VIP only)
- An accompanying manual which essentialises the course material (Tier 1 & 2)
- Bonus resources to help you integrate the teachings (Tier 1 & 2)
- Access to my personalised business content (Tier 2 VIP only)
- A one-on-one personalised call with me to discuss course content and/or any aspect of your retreat creation process (Tier 2 VIP only)
Are you ready to create more abundance?
Tier 1:
Independent study
(course content + bonus resources)
Tier 2: VIP
Independent study
(course content + bonus resources + private email access + one personalised coaching session)
How will the content be delivered?
This is a self-study course. Once you’ve purchased the program, you’ll be sent an email with how to access the video content, accompanying manual and bonus resources. If you selected Tier 2, we’ll also arrange our personalised coaching session via email. You’ll have access to the entire suite of video content, so you can move through the program at your own pace.
Access to the course material will be available for a total of 12-months.
Will the content be downloadable?
The video content will not be downloadable. This is to ensure my Intellectual Property is protected. However, the additional bonus resources provided will be fully downloadable. It’s best to take comprehensive notes and do all the weekly tasks to help you integrate and assimilate the teachings within the program as you go.
Are payment plans available?
Is there a refund policy?
This program has been created and designed with the utmost thought for the individual participating, therefore no refunds will be considered after your initial purchase. If you’re unsure if the program is the right fit for you, feel free to connect with me to have a free 20-minute discovery call.
Are you ready for business success?
Tier 1:
Independent study
(course content + bonus resources)
Tier 2: VIP
Independent study
(course content + bonus resources + private email access + one personalised coaching session)