Tongan Whale Swim & Yoga Retreat

20 – 27 September 2025


Nature of Trip

This trip is yoga-based, therefore, participants are strongly encouraged to attend all yoga offerings provided. All participants are encouraged to approach the trip with a spirit of openness and adventure.


Daily classes consist of an early morning yoga class, midday meditation or relaxation class and an afternoon restorative or yin yoga experience. All classes are appropriate for students of all levels of experience. This timetable may alter on some days (whale swim day or rest day).


The following accommodation option is available:

Twin Share Accommodation
King or Two Single Bed Options with en suite bathroom:
$5,797 per person (Twin share)

*Single supplement accommodation is possible if the retreat does not fully sell out with twin accommodation. Please let me know if you’re interested in this option.


All meals are vegetarian, and will begin with lunch on Saturday 20 September 2025 and finish with breakfast on Saturday 27 September 2025. Participants with food allergies will need to advise Awakened Soul Yoga so arrangements can be made to accommodate your dietary requirements.


Because Tonga is such a remote island group, there are limited flight options, so it’s incredibly important not to book your flight travel until I have given you more information regarding flight availability.

The most likley option is to travel with Fiji Airways via Nadie.

I’m currently in discussions with Fiji Airways to find the best flight to Vava’u without needing an overnight stay in Nadie. I’m also hoping to secure a group flight price, but this will not be available until October 2024, so please be patient until then. I’ll announce the flight plan as soon as I have more information.

The following is included in your Tongan Yoga Retreat Experience:

  • 7-nights of accommodation at Treasure Island Eco Resort
  • Return transport from Vava’u airport to Treasure Island
  • Healthy vegetarian breakfasts and dinners
  • All yoga and meditation offerings
  • One whale swim*
  • Complimentary WIFI
  • One tropical sarong
  • One final evening cocktail
  • All taxes

* You’ll be required to sign a waiver and medical statement document in order to participate in the whale swim. All whale tours are weather dependent, and as we are in a completely wild environment, there are no guarantees of whale sightings. 

Included in your retreat package is one whale swim. If you would like to go out on multiple days, you’ll be required to pay again for the experience (and as many times as you would like throughout the week on the designated whale swim days). 

However, the resort is located off-shore where the whales are already passing, so chances of sightings are high and the goal on the day of the swim is to be out on the water by 7.00AM.

During whale season the water temperature is between 25-29 degrees. A wetsuit of 2mm is recommended since there’s a lot of time spent waiting on the boat sometimes with rain and strong wind. It’s also recommended that non-booty split fins for less surface splash be used. If you have your own equipment (suit, mask, snorkel and fins) it’s absolutely worth bringing them along. If you don’t have any equipment, there’s a basic supply at the resort.

    Retreat Price does NOT include:

    • Return flights from Australia to Vava’u, Tonga
    • Any accommodation, transport or food outside the retreat dates
    • Travel and cancellation Insurance
    • Health insurance

    Booking and Payment

    A $1,500 (non-refundable) deposit is required at the time of registration to secure your place. In order for this retreat to go ahead, I need a minimum of 10 people to attend. If I’m unable to reach the minimum number and the retreat is cancelled, you’ll receive a full refund of your deposit.

    Deposits are required in order to confirm your place and final payments will be due at the latest on 8 July 2025.
    If the final balance is not received by then, the booking may be forfeited subject to the cancellation policy below. Payment plans can be arranged. Please contact me personally to arrange.

    Refund and Cancellation policy

    It is your responsibility to read and understand the cancellation policy before making a reservation. Naturally, no one registers with the intention of cancelling or postponing their retreat, but unexpected things do happen, so please purchase travel cancellation insurance once you have made your reservation.

    Guest cancellation

    All initial deposits are non-refundable by nature. As a small business owner, someone cancelling their place on a retreat requires a lot of extra time, energy and resources to replace, if a replacement can be found at all.

    If you’re no longer able to attend the retreat, the following cancellation policy guidelines will be applied to the Retreat fee by Awakened Soul Yoga:

    – the deposit required to place your booking will not be refunded and the remaining portion of the retreat fee can be credited toward another retreat to take place within a 18-month time frame from the commencement date of the retreat or can be transferred to another participant for them to use on another retreat within the same time frame.

    Depending on when you cancel, cancellation penalties apply as follows:

    • If you cancel 22 – 90 days before the Retreat start date, 40% of your payment can be applied to another retreat. You will forfeit 60% of the payment.
    • If you cancel 21 days or within 21 days before the Retreat start date, you will forfeit the entire payment.

    Exceptions to our policy cannot be made for any reason. We also do not offer credit for a participant arriving late or leaving early.

    General Cancellation 

    Awakened Soul Yoga reserves the right to cancel the Retreat prior to departure. If such cancellation is NOT due to circumstances beyond the control of Awakened Soul Yoga, you may transfer your full Retreat payment to another retreat, or you may request a refund of payment. However, no compensation or refund will be made if cancellation arises before or during the trip from circumstances beyond our and/or our suppliers’ control (force majeure) such as war, strife, civil disobedience, strikes, terrorist activity, adverse weather conditions, fire, natural disasters, etc., unless Awakened Soul Yoga is able to recover any related sums. In the event of cancellation arising from circumstances beyond our control, trip-related sums recovered by Awakened Soul Yoga will be distributed equitably to the participants after Awakened Soul Yoga deducts all out-of- pocket costs and related expenses, constituting a settlement with you. Awakened Soul Yoga is not responsible for expenses, including but not limited to lodging, meals and transportation, incurred for delays and/or detainments beyond the trip itinerary as a result of circumstances beyond our and/or our suppliers’ control as stated above. It is recommended that participants purchase their own trip/travel cancellation insurance.

    Refund Policy

    If the participant leaves the Retreat prior to its conclusion, refunds will not be made for the unused portion of the Retreat. No refunds will be made for any excursion, meal, yoga class or other activity that the participant misses or decides not to participate in for any reason.

    Medical Insurance

    Each participant is responsible for checking with their current health insurance provider and insuring that they have adequate medical coverage. Participants will be asked to provide a medical history prior to departure from Australia for review, including any current injuries or pre-existing conditions, as well as an emergency contact name and telephone number. Once the deposit has been received, a health form will be sent out for you to fill out, sign and return. Awakened Soul Yoga reserves the right to refuse acceptance of your deposit to participate in the Retreat based on the medical information provided. Should this occur, you will be informed and all monies will be refunded in full. Participants must carry their insurance documentation with them at all times during the duration of their stay.


    Awakened Soul Yoga will at times be photographing and/or videotaping the Retreat. Awakened Soul Yoga wishes to use such photographs/videos in its advertising, displays, publicity materials, and publications. Participants are deemed to have consented to Awakened Soul Yoga and Ondine Savage using such images of you. However, if you prefer not to appear in any of the images/footage, please inform Ondine Savage prior to the commencement of the Retreat.


    I agree that the Awakened Soul Yoga and its representatives, except for their gross negligence or willful misconduct, shall not be held liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity that may be occasioned for any reason to me, including, but not limited to any defect in a vehicle, the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying a participant, acts of God, terrorism, acts of war, or detention; delays or expenses arising from quarantine, strikes, thefts, pilferage, force majeure, civil disturbances, government restrictions or regulations, accidents by aircraft, boat, bicycle or motor vehicle, or in any restaurant or accommodation; failure of any means of transportation to arrive or depart as scheduled or changes in transit, or villa services; missed airline or other transportation connections; or for additional expenses resulting from changes in exchange rates, tariffs, or itinerary. The participant agrees to assume any risks associated with the Retreat and agrees no liability will be attached to Awakened Soul Yoga, its employees or agents. By paying the deposit, the participant releases Awakened Soul Yoga and its representatives from any such responsibility or liability. It is therefore suggested participants purchase their own cancellation, property damage (including luggage), and accident insurance.

    Acknowledgement & Acceptance

    I have read the above Terms and Conditions and understand the information pertaining to the “Tongan Whale Swim & Yoga Retreat”. I am aware I must be covered by my own travel insurance appropriate to the activity in order to participate in this Yoga Retreat and will not hold Awakened Soul Yoga or Ondine Savage responsible.


    I will require acknowledgement from you that you have read and fully understood the Terms and Conditions for this retreat. Please send me an email stating you have read the Terms and Conditions and take responsibility for what is written here. Email: