We live in a fascinating time in history.
Our overall health is in free fall, while disease is increasing significantly. Yet no one seems to be talking about why this is. Instead, we accept this deterioration as inevitable and even “normal”.
If you’ve seen the Netflix series “Live to 100 – Secrets of the Blue Zones”, you’ll understand that good health is quite simple to achieve.
This documentary is an engaging take on why certain pockets of the world (blue zones) produce the highest proportion of centenarians. It looks at what these specific areas are doing differently to other parts of the world.
Unsurprisingly, the answers lie in a combination of different factors that are not difficult for most of us to implement.
They include: a predominantly plant-based diet, low impact movement like walking or gardening, stress reduction, strong social connections and having a sense of purpose.
But are we missing other critical factors that are contributing to this increase in dis-ease?
Why, for example, were people able to be effortlessly healthy 100 years ago despite eating more fats, sugars and wheat products? But today, people seem to be allergic to just about everything and getting chronic diseases at younger ages?
One reason might be that one hundred years ago, food was actually food and people didn’t have to meticulously dissect ingredient labels to look for things that were going to ruin their health.
On top of this, diets today are missing key nutrients because soils are so depleted of minerals. Therefore, we rely on poor quality multivitamins to help us stay healthy.
As a result, we are more fragile physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A colourised photo of Atlantic city beach in 1908, and not a single overweight person to be found
We’re also swimming in an incredibly toxic soup of thousands of chemicals. Everything from heavy metals to microplastics, seed oils, pesticides, blue light, tap water, endocrine disruptors and our sedentary lifestyle.
Toxins are everywhere. In the air we breathe (carbon monoxide, chemical fertilisers), the water we drink (chlorine and fluoride), the food we eat (GMO’s, processed foods, preservatives) and the products we buy (BPA’s, parabens, phthalates).
Put simply, our precious mitochondria are being poisoned.
Add to the mix that we’re an over vaccinated and overmedicated society that worships the medicalised industrial complex, and you have a potent reason for the health crisis we currently find ourselves in.
Would the exposure to an unreasonable amount of toxins not contribute to the alarming rise in cancers, cardiovascular conditions, mental illness and the general malaise in human health across the globe?
If you don’t think so, check out these statistics:
- In 2000, there were around 88,000 cases of cancer diagnosed in Australia. By 2023, it’s estimated there’ll be around 165,000 cases. This is an 88% increase in the span of just over 20 years. Reference
- In 2003, there were 30,400 Australians with Autism. That has now jumped to 205,300 in 2023. Reference
- Today, 67% of Australian adults are overweight or obese compared to just 10% in 1980 Reference
Reference - In 1975 a child under 5 years old would receive 18-19 doses of vaccine. In 2018, it was 41 doses Reference
It’s undeniable that there’s a problem. So now, it’s up to each one of us to do the work to heal, to rebuild and fortify ourselves against the most toxic environment in our recent history.
Your health is the most important asset you have. You deserve to live optimally. It’s your birthright.
So here are 7 things you can do today that will make a massive difference to your health and wellbeing:
- Sun gaze in the early morning (eyes closed) to increase your serotonin levels (this boosts your mood and helps you stay calm and focused). Plus you’ll get a vitamin D hit which increases your immune health
- Hydrate and alkalise your body first thing in the morning with fresh filtered water and a generous squeeze of lemon juice. Then caffeinate.
- Regulate hormonal function by eating at the same time each day and don’t skip meals. If and when you can, buy organic and cook meals yourself. Avoid processed foods.
- Avoid canned fizzy drinks and juices. They contain ridiculous amounts of refined sugar and sodium.
- Ditch the toxic cigarettes, vapes, drugs and alcohol. If you’re wanting to upgrade to your next level of consciousness, you won’t do it by smoking or drinking your way there. Just because drugs are considered socially acceptable lubricants, doesn’t mean they don’t numb your mind and senses and ultimately keep you sick and distracted.
- Movement is incredibly beneficial to strengthen bones, muscles, tissues and organs. Walking, gardening and a little yoga are perfect forms of gentle exercise
- Regulate your sleep cycle (7-8 hours is ideal), and try to go to bed at the same time. Avoid blue light (screen device light) for up to 2 hours before bed and turn off your WIFI at night. The best times for sleep are between 10pm-6am, so you mirror the sun
So, who’s all in for a health revolution?
When asked what surprised him most about humanity, the Dalai Lama answered:
“Man! Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”