Yoga Business Mentoring

You love yoga, which is why you want to be of service and share this great tradition with others. But knowing how to teach is very different to knowing how to create a sustainable business to set you up for success in the long term.
Being able to teach what you’re passionate about is a privilege. But being able to teach what you’re passionate about and make a sustainable living is a gift.
While teaching yoga is an amazing way to live in alignment with your soul’s calling, it can also lead to burn out, poor self care and over giving. The tenuous balance between embodying the life you teach to others and burning the midnight oil, can be a very thin line.
Remember, you’re not meant to do everything in life on your own. We thrive as humans when we feel fully supported and nurtured by those around us. And sometimes, running a business as a one woman band can take its toll (trust me, I’ve been there). Often the best and most compassionate way you can help yourself, is to seek guidance from someone who has been exactly where you are.
It might just be you need a sounding board to bounce ideas off. Or maybe you need to talk through what your business is currently experiencing so as not to feel so alone. It might be you need a different set of eyes on your business affairs, or you might just need some much needed inspiration to get your mojo back. After all, running a business can be a balancing act that requires resilience, determination, discipline and stamina.
A fresh perspective is sometimes all that’s needed to move out of a funk and into flow.
Mentoring is for you if you feel challenged in any of the following areas:
- Insecure about teaching, comparisonitis and feelings of imposter syndrome
- Help generating more revenue streams in addition to teaching classes
- A lack of clear communication and transmiting instruction in classes
- Understanding what it takes to create a community of raving fans
- How to transition from your day job to full time teaching
- Feeling burnt out and like you’ve lost your yoga mojo
- Starting a solely online yoga business
- Business admin and logistics
- How to set up a yoga studio
- The world of social media
- Sequencing and cues
Benefits you will receive include:
- building belief in YOU!
- improved self-confidence
- how to teach with authenticity
- setting boundaries with clients
- knowing how to price your offerings
- making sure you have your business logistics set up
- important teaching skills they didn’t teach you in your YTT